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A New Begining

Friday, March 02, 2007

Tiring and aching day...

Hmmm ok lets start with....

Today i went to school to help out in the PC refurbishment. So i was late by a few minutes and when i got there they were all already in action. I was incharge of taking the CPU down for them to be tested. Well the CPU's were arrange in rows in this room and there were 4 shelfs on a rack which contains 2 PC each. It includes a CPU and a monitor. I was very very afraid to get the CPU on the 3 shelf as it was too high and the PC's were too heavy. But i tried taking some but in the end i just took the 2nd and 1st shelf PC as it was easier for me. The seniors there took down the CPU from the 3rd and 4th shelves. And when we finish testing them, we had to put them up. More then on of my team member did some stunt which involves standing inbetween two shelfs to take the CPU and Monitor down from the top most shelfs which was inaccesable to us.

Anyway, i had fun testing the CPU but not having fun with carrying them back and out. I didn't even had my lunch because in the heat of doing things, i completely forgot about even eating lunch. Well we had to check keyboards and mouse. All i can say to those people in cambodia who are using our computer is.... "Good Luck" You have the CPU,you have the Monitor, you have the keyboard but guess what!!! 13 of you won't have a mouse to go with them...Ok maybe i am making it sound serious but i think we will find a way to cover up the missing 13 mouse...Just not sure how.

Anyway after packing all the stuff and testing all the stuff, it was already 4pm plus and i had a meet the parent session at 7.30pm. So i quickly rush home, bath and then rush back out. Well the meet the parent session was funny and ok i guess only problem was that i was aching all over from carrying all the CPU and PC's. Tomorrow i am going to the SIM building to renew my passport so i can go out of the country. I wish that they could extend it there and then and give me 6 mths...or even a year extension coz i am a male and at the age of 18 if they give me like 10 years extension, i may run away from the country. Well you girls out there, now you know how fortunate you are not to worry about passport and about renewing them every 6mths to 1 year... Talk about equality...maybe touch on the subject later on in my blog next time.

Ok now for the last part of my blog, after the meet the parent session, i was taking a bus home. As the bus was crowded, i just sit down in an empty sit i could find. And just nice i sit next to an ah pek, at first i thought nothing wrong just that he was sitting weirdly thats all. THen all of sudden he was mumbling something. Then i thought maybe on phone and ignore him. So i just continue playing my game. Then all of sudden he laugh and then mumble and then laugh again. I was so freaked out that when i saw a chance and reason to leave that sit and change place, i quickly size the chance.

Anyway got home safely and now still aching. Ok thats all for now and today i guess


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