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A New Begining

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Well, i've decided to blog about my everyday events starting from today onwards :) Well you see, i've alot of pent up fustration that i may accidentally let loose on someone. Instead of letting it be someone, i think i will let loose here.

Well, i won't be talking about what happen yesterday or last month but about today. I believe now is quite a good time to blog about today as i bet that the few hours to come, it will definately be the same as what i will be doing after blogging finish this post...(studying)

Well today, i managed to wake up quite early but instead, i was still late. Mainly because i was doing some stuff that made me forgot the time. Anyway i had only two class today and it only started at 1 and ended at 6. And tomorrow, i will be having a class from 9am to 12pm. Well, i can't see why they can't just cramp all the classes together in one day instead of breaking it up into one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Waste of time and me travelling to school.

Today's OOP( or Object Oriented Programmig for tose who don't know what i mean by the shortform) was kind of liked the usual. Our OOP teacher just gave us an question paper which had almost the similar difficulty as the big test i am having next week. And he didn't even went thru the paper and just let us do our stuff. Well, i believe its because he had enough of people in our class not listening and playing their games online that he gave up going through the paper altogether. He did try and go thru exercises that we did last time, but it seeems he dosen't now.

Anyway today was a fast moving lessons and quite relaxing unlike last weeks and the few last last weeks before this week. Just thinking gives me headache and i feel like vomitting. Try staring at a computer screen for 10 hours straight typing tons of code and well basically fustrated when it dosen't work. This is guess would be the route and suffering all programmers will have and i am quite incline to actually take up programming as my specialization as i have a renewed interest in it. And talking of renewed interest, i figured that since i have decided not to go to Japan, i've deccided to take Japanese OE1 :) Well got to go do my homework for the next 3 hours and i hope i don't be late tomorrow :(

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Power of Make-Up

This is how amazing what make-up can really do for a women.


Now still don't believe this is true? Heres the process.

So those guys out there. Not all "chio" bu are really chio bu ^_^Y

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fustrating week

Ok why blog after desolating this blog for so long. Well i have no where to vent my fustration that i have experince over this 2 days. My laptop fan is suddenly blowing very strongly and after using an program for my laptop, it says that my cpu temeprature is fatal but the wind being blown out is cold. Plus even if i rest the laptop for 3 hours and on it again, the noisy fan starts straight away. Thats fustration number 1.

After finding this problem, i wanted to send it to the repair centre and after much checking, i realize they don't open on saturaday and sunday. Thats fustration number 2.

Hence i thought maybe an reformat would solve the problem as i thought it was an virus. I kept reformatting and many problem arise. Thats fustration number 3.

Tried asking for help online at forum and search for solution but replied was slow and not what i wanted. Thats fustration number 4.

After reformatting everything, the noisy fan hasn't stopped. Thats fustration number 5.

Hence i conclude my ranting on this blog.

On a happier note, the surprise birthday party was an sucess although there were alot of set backs.