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A New Begining

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Seems like i have time today to blog, so here i am to record down my week worth of work that i did.

Well Monday was a holiday and hence i started work on tuesday which meant i had 1 more day to rest and instead of having the Monday Blues, i got a Tuesday blues.

Its been exactly 3 weeks from the time i started my IPP and the accomplishment that i have so far acheive is basically an unfinished aspx page.

Well the page that i am working on is the CompanyNews page. Seems like easy peasy right? Well wrong!! That was what i thought at first, CompanyNews, pffft i handled worst and i could finish it in less then a week.

I was totally wrong when i started on it. Not only did i have to get the right GUI aka Graphical User Interface, i had to choose the right colours for it and also the icons for it.

Having settle those, i already spent 1 week or so to get it and that was how my first week of IPP ended, customizing the page -.-

Well on the second week, i thought, hmmmmm this week is the week i am gonna finish everything. Then i got into another problem, how to display the news onto the page, i am not getting too technical here but basically it was quite hard to do that.(Don't come and tell me how hard it is to get the data from the database table and then display it onto a page..., its more then that :) )

Anyway having spent around 1-2 days on it, my shi fu came around and gave me the light to the solution. ANd hence my programming of the page was once again on track. I did the Add/Update/Delete and i found some troubles as well, the solution my shifu gave was good but it was also complex. Hence, i set out to solved it and that ended my 2nd week.

Last week, i thought that i was finish until my supervisor came around and wanted to change some changes. Hence i changed it according and then just yesterday, i was told to change it to another requirements. Well now i know why my fypj presentation, one of the lecturer told me. "User is King" hence i must change and that was how my 3rd was spent.

Now this coming monday at 1030am, i am expected to give a presentation on my page that i did. I hope its just to people in my IT Department and not those head of department, but i guess i am just getting too ahead of myself thinking why would those head of department wanna hear an intern talk about his work :X

Maybe just an informal one to brief those using my page on how to upload the news to the website and how to use it since my supervisor told me that every webpage that i am doing will be uploaded and used.

My friend told me that was good as what you did is being used by the company and hence would look good in your ipp.

Well i need this A for ipp seeing how my fyp may not get an A. But i am very sure that if there isn't an A for my FYP, i am confirm gonna get to the bottom of it and ask why. Flipping the table and banging the table would be my last resort.

Anyway today was fun going out with the rest... Did alot of things and played alot of things :D

Sunday, December 07, 2008

A much needed update

Well its beens weeks since i last updated this blog. Many things have happen and i am sure it has completely changed the way i look at many things.

One things for sure, i may never ever wanna continue as a programmer after experincing hardship at my IPP Company >.<

I don't really hate my company or anything and its a nice place to work at with so many friendly staff and a very healthy canteen( they actually put up a poster with all the food that they are selling and categorising it under eat more, eat moderate and eat less)

The canteen also limits on the number of dishes you can order too. I always look forward to friday as its briyani day. Those who know me, knows that i cannot live without bryani when i see one and will rush to buy it. Even the rice is enough to last me.

I have also taken a hobby to drinking coffee every morning and afternoon. ANd i have started getting eyebags because i stay up late everyday to research on work -.-

Anyway back to my company, ST Electronics is my IPP company that i am currently attached to. Can't say much on what i see or do there because apparently, ST Electronics deal with Goverment Defence stuffs and i am not allowed to say much too :X Oh well nothing much to talk about what i see there anyway~

Well the department that i am assign to is ST Electronics(Training & Simulation System) side. What i do there is basically revamping their intranet portal as it is all in asp codes and all over the place. Mind you that asp and aspx is very different.

Anyway the first day of work, i was assign to do up their company news page. And i started coding on day 1 of my work. I asked one of my friend and he told me his company was in the understanding the project phrase~~ I envy them so much. But starting early also dosen't give me time to slack too much as i am prone to do that and keep my mind active. And i can't bring back my work to do because apparently they are afraid of me putting goverment secrets into my aspx pages and leaking it out :(

And i am so used to doing my work at home as i found out that i work well at night and not in the day >.<

Hence when i can't finish a work, i would have to leave it and go back home and do a simulation of my situation and then try and solve the issues at home using my own test enviroment.

I also later found out that my company's dosen't allow me to get .zip files off the internet and many others. It also blocks youtube( i wasn't slacking off and tried youtube, just that one of the steps to create a beautiful gridview was shown in gridview)

Now with all the negative stuffs about my company aside, i shall talk about the positive aspect.

I work in the IT Deparemnt in my department and basically we are in charged of all the internet, firewall and network security. I learnt that in webpages that you use to program, you can't use msgbox as it would not be shown when you upload it to a server. I also learnt that you can actually but a gridview inside another gridview. I learnt of datatables, datarows and many more. The amount of knowledge on asp is growing bigger and bigger. But my Shi Fu at the company also warn me of many things that i have always done wrong.

For one, my way of connecting the database based on graphic user interface is wrong. He told me that if one day i am not working on SQL but on Oracle what would happen? Hence my journey of learning stuff by typing instead of dragging and dropping.

I also learnt that i have a tenancy to do things first before asking if the person wants it or not as pointed out by my supervisor. And i also learnt that when you come back from a cold country, you tend to cough alot.

I also learnt that wearing formal wear everyday to work is a pain in the arse. Espically in my feet area, its hurting ;'(

And the best part is, i wanna be a in IT Security and not programming hence growing there would be a good thing as i can learn from the many network experts there and also one hacker :P

My shi fu also told me, you are not working in a real world now, you are working in a stress world :X

Oh well that probaly sums up my 2 weeks in my new IPP Company. And so far i have not successfully finish my designated aspx page. And on tuesday( monday is a holiday yay~~!) i have to finish it up.

Oh yeah one last thing..... I CAN'T BRING CAMERA HP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oh well, the ends justify the means, so i will live with it ^_^